



We had our first parent training for my son this week at his ABA clinic and have decided we will begin potty training this week! I have been waiting for this as when he was in daycare they stated he was not ready for potty training and thus they would not be working on it, and then at the ABA clinic they wanted to finish pairing prior to introducing potty training. I have been doing what I can at home but the reality is he spends the majority is his awake time at before the daycare and now the ABA clinic. He can urinate on the potty and knows that is what the potty is for, however, he cannot let me know when he needs to use the potty. And so far in all the times I have sat him on the potty he has not had a bowel movement so this makes me a little nervous as well. However, I am beyond excited to see how my little boy starts transitioning more to a "big boy" and am very excited to hopefully soon not have to buy pull ups and diapers anymore. I keep hearing that M&Ms are an awesome motivator for potty training, but unfortunate my picky eater is not motivated by food and even not chocolate. Any other on potty training for a first-time mom fully embracing entering this new territory?